Philadelphia is home to countless book clubs offering an array of options for people interested in specific genres, activities, and venues. With the choice to meet in-person or via Zoom, there are endless possibilities when it comes to joining a literary group and connecting with fellow bookworms.
When trying to find a book club, I would recommend visiting sites such as Eventbrite, Meetup, Free Library of Philadelphia, or Reader’s Circle. However, if you don’t want to sift through it all, I’ve done the hard work for you and listed some book club choices which are organized based on what they have to offer. If you’re interested in any of them, click on the title of the book club and the link will bring you to that specific group’s signup page. Happy reading!
If you’re of age and want to discuss books with a beverage in hand, Philadelphia is not lacking in boozy book club offerings:
“Calling all book enthusiasts! Let’s grab a drink and discuss a great book at various spots around the city.
We will now be meeting twice a month for a beer and lively debate. One meetup will take place at night referred to as ‘A Book & A Beer’ and the second will be an afternoon meetup referred to as ‘Brunch & A Book.’ Each meetup will be discussing a different book voted on and picked at the corresponding previous month’s meetup.”
Books and Beers: A Literarily Amazing Book Club!
“Like Books? Like Beer? Thinking…what a wonderful combination!? If you like to read and discuss books, especially over a cold mug of beer with friends, this is the club for you. We are a bunch of drinking readaholics and reading drinkaholics, and we enjoy losing ourselves in the world of literature. Come join us for our social meetups, or meet us for our beers, brunch, and book discussions!”
“If you’re a chick who likes to read books, drink wine, and share good conversation with other awesome ladies, join the Books, Broads & Bordeaux Book Club!
Every month, we’ll try to have some guided discussion, a smidge of trivia, and hopefully, a lot of laughs!
Come share a glass of tasty vino with new friends and a good read!”
If you want to discuss books from the comfort of your home but in good company, check out these clubs that have you covered:
Philadelphia Book Club Meetup Group
“The purpose of this group is to promote ideas by analyzing and discussing various works of literature. Preferably those who are interested in modern day authors from all over the globe should consider joining this group. With Social Distancing becoming more of a regular occurrence around the globe, this group will hold weekly video conferences. During these social conferences we will pick a novel, to read, discuss why it might be relevant perhaps to society, then review during the week, and discuss it at the following video conference(s). As I am a librarian and I’m looking to recruit people within the city who are avid readers who are interested in historical and social issues, however others are welcome as well.”
“We are a diverse group of readers who enjoy exploring the written word, thinking about a work and then coming together as a small group to discuss our ideas. We’ve been around for eight years now, and I continuously hear feedback that the group introduces people to books that they might never have heard about on their own, and even if a book is ‘not for them’ they leave the discussion generally liking the book more than before the discussion started.
Sounds lame? Move on, we aren’t for you!
Sounds like fun? It is. JOIN US!”
“Looking for other book lovers? A good story is even better when you’ve got friends to share it with.
The purpose of this book club is to provide a venue for people to express their views and opinions on various books that they have read. The club will read different types of books (ex: fiction, philosophy, poetry, contemporary, classic, memoirs, short stories, biographies, etc.) each month. Members will meet once a month to have an open discussion on the selected book(s). (Each month a different member will be given the opportunity to pick their choice of reading material). The discussions will include a variety of questions and debates on the book, author, etc.”
Looking for other book babes? Here are some clubs to connect with other literary women in Philly:
“They say there’s always an answer to every question in a book somewhere…but some books hold more lessons than others.
This book club is for women who would rather cuddle up to books like ‘The 4-hour workweek’ instead of ’50 shades of grey’. If your book collection (Or library history) consist of mostly books on philosophy, entrepreneurship, self-help and the occasional true life inspirational story, this book club is for you. This meetup is designed to bring women in their 20s and 30s together to discuss topics that go deeper than the latest romance novel to hit the shelves. We will have great discussion, good laughs and fantastic food. What a better setting to meet your next best friend! :)”
“Hey ladies! We are two women looking to start a fun group with other like-minded women who want to get together and talk about the latest great read while enjoying a crisp glass of rose (or your drink of choice)! Our goal is to meet up about once a month to chit chat over a new book while enjoying a drink with new friends! We have a wide range of books we enjoy reading and will be open to group discussion about upcoming book choices but tend to lean towards the fiction genre a la Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club. Please join us for our next meet up and we look forward to meeting you!”
The Philadelphia Girly Book Club
“New to Philly? Or just want to discuss great books with like-minded friends? The concept is simple. We’re a global book club for likeminded women to discuss great books! All members of the book club read the same book over the same period; members then meet up in their respective cities at the end of each month to discuss the book and exchange views. This forum provides a rare, and relaxed atmosphere for women to meet other like-minded women over a glass of wine and share a common passion.”
Have specific genres in mind? Well so do these groups:
Fantastic Worlds Book & Film Club
“Hello everyone! Whether you are a fan of Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, or other imaginative, wild, and out-there genres, then this is the place for you! Each month we will read a genre book and then meet as a group to discuss, praise, complain, and otherwise geek out over it! In the midst of all that, we will have other fun activities such as a page to screen movie night where we will watch films and shows based on genre books! If you’re a fan of the written word and imaginative escapes, then feel free to join up!”
“We read mostly contemporary literary fiction, national and international, and some memoir or biography; and we’re open to any type of book that interests enough of us. We don’t use a list of discussion questions, we just go around the table and each person takes a turn to summarize their basic thoughts, then discussion of the book flows from there. The talk is lively, thoughtful, and always friendly. We choose books at six-month intervals using a group suggestion and voting process. Now in our sixth year, we are looking to add to our solid core of regular attendees. All readers are welcome to join, and we would love to see you at our next Meetup.”
Philadelphia Classics Book Club
“Join us to read and discuss classic literature. We will read great works that have changed the face of writing, influenced society and endured the test of time. Past authors we have read include, among others, Cervantes, James, Kawabata, Morrison, Flaubert, Austen, Waugh, Dickens, Wilde, Nabokov, Hemingway, Shakespeare and Homer. We meet once a month in the home of one of our members.”
Do you enjoy coffee or tea to accompany book-based conversation? Look no further than these clubs:
Philly Book Club – All Genres, Downtown Cafe
“We are casual and enthusiastic; our members enjoy reading and collectively choosing and discussing books on a monthly basis. All paid attendees get a credit for a coffee or tea at time of meetup.
We take turns selecting the books for each month. We determine our book for a given month two months ahead of the meetup. A member volunteers to bring three book selections to the meeting (& posts online beforehand), and after we discuss the book at hand, we vote on the new book. We are sticking with paperbacks (affordable – under $15, practical), and under 400 pages if we can. All genres are open.”
“For all lovers of literature who love to nestle with a good book and a cup of tea or a glass of beer — let’s get together to talk about and pore over great books! I would be particularly interested in discussing books that have made a historical, social, or literary impact, perhaps revisit classics. The definition of a ‘classic’ can mean something different for different readers, so we can decide as a group on the books that would be fit for our discussion. The only rule of our book club is to read the book by the meetup date and be ready to discuss. Come with your ideas, your sense of adventure, and your love of reading!”
Here’s one last recommendation for those who want to be as adventurous as their book characters:
The Novel Tourists of Philadelphia
“Join this unique book club where we casually discuss a book while engaging in an activity or exploring a location inspired by the book! There won’t be rigid discussion rules or bullet point lists of plot lines to dissect. We’ll use the book as a launchpad for a fun activity and to inspire discussion/conversation among fellow bookworms.
Sometimes the activity will have us flexing our muscles by doing something like biking or hiking. Other events will stimulate our brains by hitting a museum. Sometimes we’ll meet to try a new cuisine, or maybe we’ll broaden our knowledge with a cooking class. Theater, glass blowing, bird watching, puppy hugging…the possibilities are endless when fiction inspires action!”

Madison Betts is a junior at Drexel University pursuing a B.A. in English with a concentration in writing. When she isn’t buried in a book, she spends her time writing one, aiming to publish a series of her own. She also enjoys paddle boarding, yoga, and boxing.