Write For Us

Write Now Philly is seeking book reviews and articles about writing and of interest to the literary community. Please see below for more details and pay rates. We would like to support the local writing community and prefer reviews and articles written by people who live in the Philadelphia area.

Book reviews:

We seek reviews of books that fit one of the following two categories: 1) Written by a Philadelphia-area author; 2) About a topic of particular interest to Philadelphia-area readers.

Reviewers who have not been published with us before can contact pg@drexel.edu to let us know of their interest in reviewing. Please use the subject line: New Reviewer and tell us (briefly) about your qualifications and publications and include a link to any prior published review. Also tell us what your connection is to the Philadelphia area.

Once you have already published a review with us, you can email pg@drexel.edu any time you are interested in reviewing a book or we might reach out to you if we have a book for you to review.

Reviews should be standard-length, up to approximately 800 words, written in an engaging, accessible style that meets professional standards. We are happy to include a two-sentence bio with a link or two to your website or social media.

Pay per review: $25 (of course, reviewers also keep the book)


Write Now Philly seeks articles of interest to writers and the larger literary community. These articles can be about the craft of writing, profiles of local literary figures or locations, author interviews, the publishing industry, tips on writing or getting published, the life of a freelance writer, and coverage of literary events. We are open to new categories of articles, so feel free to pitch even if you don’t see something like your idea already on our site. Some of the article topics and approaches can be of general interest to writers and do not require a local focus. We prefer a Philadelphia or local connection in the case of author profiles and interviews, coverage of events, and whenever it makes sense for the topic.

You can email brief pitches for individual articles or an idea for your own recurring column to pg@drexel.edu. Please include a couple of lines about your background, publications, and connection to the Philadelphia area.

Articles should be approximately 800-1,000 words (interviews and other pieces with extensive quoting can be longer), written in an engaging, accessible style that meets professional standards. If your article is based on your visit to a location or event, or your discussion with an author or other interview subject, we ask that you take and provide a photo for us to use with the article, if possible (if not, we will use a stock photo). We are happy to include a two-sentence bio with a link or two to your website or social media.

Pay per article: $25

Note for bookstore owners, publishers, academic programs, librarians, and others affiliated with businesses or institutions:

Write Now Philly wants to tell readers about what’s going on at local colleges, MFA programs, bookstores, libraries, museums, publishers, and similar businesses and literary institutions. We are happy to consider article pitches/submissions from bookstore owners, librarians, academics, and others about activities taking place at their stores or institutions. Although we cannot pay for such content that could be seen as self-promoting a business or written by someone in their official capacity as director of a program, we welcome the opportunity to publish excellent writing about topics of interest to our readers that highlights your work and activities.

Note for Drexel faculty and students:

We are happy to have our faculty and students submit reviews and articles. However, we cannot pay the small honorarium to people affiliated with our university. Drexel faculty, if you are interested in reviewing a book or writing an article, you can email pg@drexel.edu. Please contact our editor if you have questions. Drexel students can write for us by taking WRIT 405: Internship in Publishing.
